How many times as a woman of color did you feel like screaming that to someone? I have been dragged into arguments with people to whom you could say, « Hey I don’t have any problems with you » and they could look you straight in the eye and reply « no I know better, you have a problem. »

For some people, it seems that our words are problematic. To them, even our SILENCES are problematic. Our bodies, our voices, our souls are constantly being harnessed for their benefit. As a woman wearing the veil in a western country, you regularly witness people’s madness, fantasies, racism, envying how stable and at peace you are. This is reflected in political and media discourse, but also at work and in our private lives.

However, let this artwork remind us of this. Our strength is not something for other people to rest on. Our voices are not something for other people to talk over. Our silences are our right to rest and heal. Our bodies are free to walk everywhere dressed as they please.

Reclaim your inner peace. Stay away from people’s insecurities. Stay away from people blind to their shortcomings. You’re here to love God and love yourself.